Our Network is growing, and our first set of members have been unveiled. The membership of this alliance cuts across all sectors of football life – it stems from active coaches, officials as well as aspiring scouts and coaches. We also got requests from professionals from other fields that want to know more about the technical side of the game.

We are happy to have everyone that has been accepted to be a part of this Association, and the growth starts now.

We must recall: our objective is to bring scouting and coaching to the forefront of African football; understanding that the game can not grow properly if we do not use the technocrats well – and create more technocrats as well.

These members will, over time, enjoy the benefits in the following ways:

They will belong to a fast growing network of professional coaches and scouts;

AFSCOAN will help, support and facilitate each member in getting official, professional and internationally acclaimed certification in scouting, coaching and as far as any of them wants to go in the profession;

Being a part of exclusive but high-value capacity building workshops and seminars that will involve seasoned scouts and coaches;

AFSCOAN will help each member that so desires, to get up the career path in finding the right jobs in football, and break down the prejudicial barriers;

Bridging gaps, creating awareness, education and enlightenment to the importance of football scouts in African football;

A healthy exchange between like minds – all of whom want to see improvement in football, professionalism in the running of the game and more technical and tactical awareness;

An association that will promote interaction between the highly knowledgeable, the experienced and the starter, thus creating a learning hub for all to know more and more of the game;

And ultimately developing football in Africa for Africans!

To Know some of our Members. Click here

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